The article Top 10 Fully Funded Scholarships for Women will be helpful to you if you are a woman looking for a full scholarship. These scholarships are highly competitive and sought after, as they cover tuition, living expenses, and sometimes even travel costs.
There are hundreds of programs offering scholarship opportunities to girls and women around the world. Fortunately, there are many organizations interested in providing educational opportunities for these women without worrying about their financial resources.

Top 10 Fully Funded Scholarships for Women
There are hundreds of options to choose from, but choosing is always the hardest. So we made it easy for you and listed various scholarships for women. Here is the list of Top 10 Fully Funded Scholarships for Women:
- AAUW International Scholarship
- Margaret McNamara Education Grant
- Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Awards
- Alabama Golf Association AGA Women Scholarship
- Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship
- Arizona Business and Professional Women Foundation
- Orangesoft Women in Technology Scholarship Program
- Durham University British Council Scholarships for Women in STEM
- UPS Grants for Female Students
- Palantir Scholarship for Women in Technology
1. AAUW International Scholarship
- Awarded to women who are full-time students or researchers but are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. The fellowship will support one-year study in the United States at master’s, doctoral, postdoctoral, and undergraduate levels through seven different scholarship programs.
- Available for all majors.
- $20,000 – $ 50,000 Scholarship
For more details and to apply, click here
2. Margaret McNamara Education Grant
MMEG’s mission aims to help women in developing countries with education with the aim of improving the lives of women and children in their own countries. Since 1981, MMEG has been empowering women by supporting their education so that they can build a better world. Scholarship recipients focus on a variety of areas of study, including engineering, information technology, health, science, education, social studies, and law.
- Scholarship Value: Varies by country.
Click here for more information
3. Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future Awards
The Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides women in developing countries with the support they need to study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The long-term goal of the program is to break down some of the barriers faced in enrolling in STEM subjects, thereby creating conditions that will lead to more women pursuing careers in STEM. Accelerating gender equality.
- Scholarship Value: $25,000 – $50,000 per year
For more details and to apply, click here
4. Fully Funded British Council Women in STEM Scholarships
Fully Funded British Council Women in STEM scholarships give female scientists from qualified nations the opportunity to continue their STEM education with a one-year, fully funded scholarship to finish a master’s degree at a UK university. Economic support will include tuition fees, stipend, travel costs, visa, and health coverage fees. Early in 2024, applications for the academic year 2024–2025 will go on sale. When the call is open, the complete eligibility requirements will be disclosed.
For more details, go here.
5. Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship
Zonta International believes in gender equality, which is why the Jane M. Klausman(JMK) Business Scholarship Program empowers women to earn Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in business and work from the classroom to the boardroom, bridging gender barriers. help break through.
The program is operated at the Zonta club, district/region, and international levels. Zonta International offers 37 international scholarships totaling $5,000.
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship
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6. Arizona Business and Professional Women Foundation
The Arizona Business and Professional Women’s Foundation advances Arizona’s female professionals through scholarship, research, and education. The scholarship will be awarded to a woman aged 19 and over attending a community college in Arizona for better employment opportunities.
To qualify, she must attend at least one Arizona BPW Foundation event per year.
Scholarship Value: $1,500
Arizona Business and Professional Women Foundation Scholarship
7. P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship (IPS)
The award is not meant to pay for all living or educational costs, but it is based on a need that has been shown. The applicant must provide additional financial resources at the time of application that are sufficient to cover her projected costs. Personal and family finances, tuition reimbursements, job scholarships, assistantships in the classroom, study grants, and other scholarships are a few examples of additional resources.
The International Peace Scholarship Fund was created in 1949 to offer financial aid to international women students who wanted to enroll in graduate programs in the United States or Canada. An individual student may receive up to $12,500 in funding. According to each applicant’s needs, smaller sums may be given.
P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship (IPS) details or deadlines.
8. L’Oreal-UNESCO for Women in Science awards
Over 250 exceptional young women researchers receive assistance from the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science programs each year. They get support from the Fondation L’Oréal and UNESCO through its 52 regional and national programs during a critical time in their professional lives, such as when they are working on their thesis or pursuing post-doctoral work.
More details here.
9. UPS Grants for Female Students
This scholarship is available to female students at the Institute of Industrial Systems Engineers (IISE) with an industrial engineering degree or equivalent and a GPA of 3.4 or higher.
- Scholarship Value: $4,000
For more details … Click Here
10. Alabama Golf Association AGA Women Scholarship
The mission of the Alabama Golf Foundation (AGF) is to create life-changing opportunities that positively impact individuals, communities, and organizations through the game of golf. Through golf tournaments, fundraisers, and generous donations from clubs and individuals, The AGA Women’s Scholarship Fund enables young women to enter and graduate from college and is currently helping three young women graduate from college.
Alabama Golf Association AGA Women Scholarship
More Scholarships?
ENS International Selection Scholarships, in Paris, France
Fully Funded Wellington Doctoral Scholarships – Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
DAAD Research Grants for Doctoral Program in Germany
Fulbright Postdoctoral Scholarship at the University of Newcastle Australia
KWI International Fellowships for Postdocs in Germany
Funded/Fully Funded Scholarships in Japan – Tokyo Institute of Technology
Clarendon Fully Funded Scholarships at the University of Oxford