CS201 Handouts, Assignments, Midterm & Final Term Past Papers

CS201 Handouts, Assignments, Midterm & Final Term Past Papers

CS201 Course Outline

The Dev-C++ Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is used as the teaching tool for the course. The course begins with fundamental concepts in programming and progresses to managing choice and looping structures. The course covers the fundamentals of the C programming language while avoiding object-oriented notions after discussing pointers and arrays.

The assumption is that moving into the object-oriented field, which would be studied in-depth in a later course, will require a solid foundation in structured programming. The course will ultimately present the idea of classes and public and private members with an introduction to function overloading after covering file handling, unions, and structures. There will be no discussion of the object-oriented concepts of polymorphism, virtual functions, or protected data members.

CS201 Handouts

CS201 handouts are available on link CS201 Handouts

CS201 Past Papers

CS201 Midterm Past Papers

CS201 midterm past papers are available on CS201 Midterm Past Papers

CS201 Final Term Past Papers

CS201 final term past papers are available on CS201 Final Term Past Papers

CS201 Assignments & Solutions

CS201 Assignment 1 Solution

CS201 assignment 1 solution will be available soon.

CS201 Assignment 2 Solution

CS201 assignment 2 solution will be available soon.

Course Learning Outcomes

You ought to be able to when the course is finished:

  • Create, analyze, and use C++ to resolve real-world issues.
  • Recognize the value of modular program architecture and reuse
  • Be familiar with object-oriented programming
  • Recognize how procedural and object-oriented paradigms vary.

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